Ai-Port Station

Hidamari, Aoba and Kids’ Garden are the three major programs conducted under Project Hiroba of Ai-Port Station, a Non-Profit Organization (NPO). Hidamari provides a free space (a hall) where people can simply get together and where various events for parents and children are held. Aoba provides daycare services for children. Kids’ Garden is where parents, children and neighbors enjoy organic gardening. These programs are available to all registered members of Ai-Port and their registered families.

Social Play Space [HIDAMARI]

Social Play Space [HIDAMARI]

Hidamari is the place to come when you wonder, worry, or want to consult someone about something. Also, if you just need someone to listen to your thoughts in a heartwarming atmosphere. It’s a space where you can and meet with friends, network, learn and grow together.
Go to “Social Play Space [HIDAMARI]”

Daycare Facilities [AOBA]

This Daycare service is available to anyone for any reason. Leave your child with us so you can take care of some business, or to just relax and recharge.
Go to “Daycare Facilities [AOBA]”

  • 子育てひろば「あい・ぽーと」港区子育てサポートハウス事業
  • オンラインひろば
  • つどいのひろば「ひだまり」
  • 港区「子育てコーディネーター事業」
  • ひろば・プログラム・講座・イベント
  • 一時保育事業「あおば」
  • オーガニックガーデン
  • ひだまり通信
  • オンラインひだまり通信
  • アクセス
  • 新着情報一覧

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